External Links to Boccaccio-related sites
ArcGIS. The Decameron Story Map
Student project facilitated by Dr. Teresa Russo featuring story maps, site passage and quotation analyses, image interpretations, cartographic explanations, and an understanding of how the pandemics—both past and present—impacted, and continue to impact, people and activities across various geographies.
Portal for the study of autographs by Italian writers from the Origins to the end of the sixteenth century, resulting from the work of literary historians, philologists, historians of language, paleographers, librarians and archivists.
Boccaccio in "Viaggi nel testo"
Biographical, textual, and thematic pathways through Boccaccio’s Decameron.
Project using contemporary informational technology to facilitate, enhance and innovate the complex cognitive and learning activities involved in reading a late medieval literary text like Boccaccio's Decameron.
The Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio
Dedicated to the protection of Certaldo Alto and its monuments, to establish in Certaldo a library of the works of Giovanni Boccaccio and related studies, and to develop scientific studies on Giovanni Boccaccio.
Peer-reviewed journal that was created to provide a widely and readily available forum for research and interpretation to an international community of Boccaccio scholars.