Regular Annual Membership


Membership to the ABA enables the Association to maintain and enhance programming, and contribute to future endeavors that support research and outreach in Boccaccio studies. Such initiatives include the ABA’s web presence, scholarly journal, bibliographic efforts, conference panels, virtual lectures and book launches, scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and contingent faculty members, and the Triennial Conference.

Please contact the ABA Treasurer ( with any questions about your membership.


Membership to the ABA enables the Association to maintain and enhance programming, and contribute to future endeavors that support research and outreach in Boccaccio studies. Such initiatives include the ABA’s web presence, scholarly journal, bibliographic efforts, conference panels, virtual lectures and book launches, scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and contingent faculty members, and the Triennial Conference.

Please contact the ABA Treasurer ( with any questions about your membership.

Membership to the ABA enables the Association to maintain and enhance programming, and contribute to future endeavors that support research and outreach in Boccaccio studies. Such initiatives include the ABA’s web presence, scholarly journal, bibliographic efforts, conference panels, virtual lectures and book launches, scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and contingent faculty members, and the Triennial Conference.

Please contact the ABA Treasurer ( with any questions about your membership.

Lifetime Membership
Sustaining Annual Membership
$75.00 every 12 months
Student/Adjunct Annual Membership
$25.00 every 12 months